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User Guide

Duke is a task manager which makes use of Graphical User Interface(GUI). Instructions on how to use it are below:


Listing all Tasks list

Shows all tasks in the tasklist.

Format: list

Adding a Todo task todo

Adds a Todo task with its description to the tasklist.

Format: todo DESCRIPTION


Adding a Deadline Task deadline

Adds a Deadline task with its description and deadline to the tasklist.

Format: deadline DESCRIPTION /by DD-MM-YYYY HHMM


Adding an Event Task event

Adds an Event task with its description and date time to the tasklist.



Deleting a Task delete

Deletes the specified task from the list.

Format: delete INDEX


Finding a Task find

Finds a list of tasks which contain the description to be found.

Format: find DESCRIPTION


Marking a task as Done done

Marks the specified task as done in the list

Format: done INDEX


Saving the tasks

Tasks after saved in the data folder automatically after each user command.

Exit bye

Exits the task manager.

Format: bye

Command Summary

Index Action Format, examples
1 List all tasks list
2 Add a Todo task todo TASK_NAME, e.g.,todo read books
3 Add a Deadline task deadline TASK_NAME /by YYYY-MM-DD, e.g., deadline group project /by 18-09-2020 1800
4 Add an Event task event TASK_NAME /at YYYY-MM-DD, e.g., event birthday party /at 12-12-2020 1200
5 Mark a task as done done INDEX, e.g., done 3
6 Delete a task delete INDEX, e.g., delete 2
7 Find tasks matching the keyword find KEYWORD, e.g., find borrow book
8 Exit bye